Spray Filler Guidelines


The District provides water to spray fillers prior to start of irrigation season. The spray fillers must be insulated for the District to turn them on. The insulation is the responsibility of the water user.

An example of what is required for insulation is shown below:

All items easily available at local hardware store.

Materials used: foam pipe insulation and anti-corrosion pipe wrap.

Rules and Procedures for Mixing, Storage and Use of Agricultural Chemicals on and Around District Turnouts.

In June of 2004, the District adopted new rules in this regard.  These rules were sent to all affected waterusers.  Additional copies of these rules are available form the District upon request.  Some have called it the 50-foot rule.  In other words, the mixing, storing and use of agricultural chemicals should not occur within 50 feet of the turnout structures, spray fillers or associated facilities operated and maintained by the District.  In addition, the filling of sprayers should be a minimum of 50 feet from the turnout structures or associated facilities.  Many waterusers have complied with the new rules and procedures and we thank you.  For those that have not modified the spray filling operation to comply with the new policy, we request that this be done before the spring 2005 start up.  The 50-foot distance can be accomplished by the use of a hose or pipe installed above ground.  The District may also allow a buried pipe installation.  At no time should water from the spray filler be used for any activity other than sprayer filling.

If the District finds that the existing spray filler does not comply with the new policy, the affected owner will be notified in accordance with said policy. If you do not plan to use your spray filler, please contact the District office and we will schedule the filler to be capped or removed.

Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District

470 CAMP 4 RD.
YAKIMA, WA. 98908

Phone: 509-678-4101
Emergency after hours line: 509-678-4664
Fax: 509-678-5730

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
7:30am - Noon
12:30pm - 4:30pm

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