Emergency Outages

Important Turnout & Shut Off Valve Information

For your benefit as well as for the Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District's, it would be advisable for you as an irrigation water user, to make yourself aware of the location of the shutoff valve for your individual property. For those of you that are leaders in and irrigation Water users Associations it would also be greatly beneficial to encourage the members of your Association to install valves for each individual property or at the very least each property owner should know where the main shutoff valve for the irrigation system is located. Members of the Association should know who the leader of the Association is or be aware of a contact person that lives in the Association and is able to handle an emergency situation.

THE TURNOUT FACILITY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE DISTRICT AND THE UNITED STATES. The turnouts are only to be accessed by District employees. The turnouts are locked to prevent unauthorized use or damages to the facility. Please advise any employees or lawn care people to tamper or otherwise damage the facilities is a violation of the State Law RCW 90.03.410.

Yakima Tieton Irrigation District would like to remind you that our employees need to be able to access our lines and turnouts. Please keep shrubs and plants clear of the turnouts so we can have good access in and out of the turnouts and get the water turned on for you. FENCES are becoming an ever increasing problem. If you are going to be doing any fencing around the turnouts or other district facilities please give us a call so we can work with you on gates and access. Never place a fence on or close to the turnout. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us serve. If the turnout is not easily accessible or there are animals involved your delivery will be delayed.

Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District

470 CAMP 4 RD.
YAKIMA, WA. 98908

Phone: 509-678-4101
Emergency after hours line: 509-678-4664
Fax: 509-678-5730

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
7:30am - Noon
12:30pm - 4:30pm

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