Frost Units Transfer Guidelines

As of June 10, 1993, the Board of Directors of the Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District have set the following guidelines for transferring Frost Units within the District.

  1. Any party requesting a transfer should review the conditions of the Frost Units Transfer Deed prior to proceeding with the transfer process.
  2. All transfers are subject to the ability of the distribution system to deliver the flows without reduction in delivery to other water users and without other wise impacting the operation or maintenance of the District's facilities.
  3. The District will check the irrigable acreage. No more than 7 units per irrigable acre will be permitted. Flow sheets will be made out at this time to determine the cost to make the change in the turnout.
  4. The proposed transfer will then be considered by the Board at their next Regular Board Meeting. If approved, it will be sent to the Title Company of the Seller's or Purchaser's choice. The search fee will be paid by either the seller or purchaser. NOTE: ALL ASSESSMENTS MUST BE PAID BEFORE SENDING THE TRANSFER TO THE TITLE COMPANY.
  5. A title search will be done on all parcels and all INTERESTED PARTIES MUST SIGN, whether buying or selling. (Mortgage Company,Credit Unions, etc.) The title search much be 6 months current.
  6. If the Frost Transfer has not been completed within one (1) years time from the date of approval by the Board, the application will be voided. If the applicant wishes the transfer to continue, a new application will be presented to the Board and the process will start over.
  7. After the proper signatures are obtained and the Deed is sent back to our office, we will then bill the customer for the Frost Water Transfer Deed ($150.00) and for a flow change ($25.00) or and orifice change ($60.00) and any other cost associated with this transfer. Turnout changes and deed fees must be paid before sending back to the title company for filing.
  8. The title company will collect any monies for the frost units and any of their fees associated with the transfer.
  9. District signatures are now obtained and all changes in the turnouts will be made.
  10. Frost Units Transfer Deeds are now sent to the Title Company and they will in turn send them to the County for filing.
    After the Deed has been recorded, it will be returned to our office and we will then send it to the new owner of the Frost Units.
Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District

470 CAMP 4 RD.
YAKIMA, WA. 98908

Phone: 509-678-4101
Emergency after hours line: 509-678-4664
Fax: 509-678-5730

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
7:30am - Noon
12:30pm - 4:30pm

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